3 Things That Can Make You Happy Instantly

Mood swings are quite common during the pandemic. It is like you instantly feel sad or lethargic and nothing seems to bring you up again. But like always, team GulfBuzz has got your back! Pandemic has not been easy on any of us. It is hard to stay focused and motivated during this time, but we are here to help you! So here are three small things you can do that will instantly make you happy:


When you are feeling lethargic and lazy, just put on some of your favourite party songs and start dancing. Even if you do this exercise for 10 to 15 minutes, you will notice an instant change in your mood. Your body will feel energetic as well.

Tackle Your Hardest Tasks: 

Everybody has that one thing that they think is impossible for them to do or it will take a lot of time to finish. Pick a day for that task and make sure to finish. When you finish a task that is difficult according to you, the after feeling of it is amazing. That feeling is equivalent to getting a trophy or a star from your school teacher back when you were young.

Breathing Exercise: 

If you are having racing thoughts and your mind is just not calming down, this will help. Just close your eyes and take 10 or perhaps 15 deep breaths, and notice as air leaves and enters your body. It will for sure calm your racing mind.

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