Here’s Why This Royal From Abu Dhabi Is Called The “Rainbow Sheik”!

When you think about travelling to a place, some people love getting inside museums and learn about the culture and history of a place, while others prefer being outdoors and exploring first hand what the place has to offer.

When in Abu Dhabi, there is a place unique enough to be a called a museum yet be nothing like an ordinary one. Emirates National Auto Museum located in Al Dhafra, about 45 kilometres south of the city of Abu Dhabi, is a museum for anyone who has an interest in cars!

It is collection of around 200 cars owned by Sheikh Hamad bin Hamdan Al Nahyan. Who is also nicknamed as Rainbow Sheikh because many of his vehicles showcase a distinctive insignia made up of rainbow colours.

It is worlds ‘the most craziest’ car collection, and this is not an over statement. It exhibits a vast collection of vehicles, including cars as big as a two storeyed house, military vehicles, off road vehicles, classic American cars, the Mercedes “Rainbow” collection and much more.

Roaming in the museum and looking at those beautiful pieces of machinery is a treat for one and all. A must visit place if you’re in or around Abu Dabhi!


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