2 Meteor Showers To Illuminate UAE Skies With 100 Shooting Stars Per Hour

Watch the universe light up as 2 meteor showers take over the UAE skies for a celestial spectacle like never before. Bookmark your calendars and read on to know all the details:

Leonid Meteor Shower – Nov 16th & 17th

The Leonid Meteor Shower occurs when Earth passes through the debris left by Comet Tempel-Tuttle. The shower gets it name from the fact that it is absolutely radiant, clearly visible & beautiful to watch. It also emerges from the constellation Leo.

Image courtesy – Vajiram IAS

How to See The Leonid Meteor Shower?

You don’t particularly need any special equipment to see the meteor shower, and is easily visible to the naked eye. All you’ll need is a lot of patience. Hasan Al Hariri, CEO, Dubai Astronomy Group and Founder of the Al Thuraya Astronomy Centre said that despite it being a full moon night, he expects over 90 shooting stars to be visible per hour.

Also read: 7 Insane Sky-High Adventures In & Around The UAE You Need To Try

Geminids Meteor Shower – Dec 13th & 14th

The Geminids are considered to be one of the most spectacular meteor showers of the year. At its peak, you can see 120 shooting stars per hour. Talk about the universe putting on a show! The shower gets it name from the fact that it emerges from the constellation Gemini. Unlike most other meteor showers, the Geminids are associated with an asteroid (the 3200 Phaethon) and not with a comet.

How to See The
Geminids Meteor Shower?

Luckily just like the Leonid Meteor Shower, you do not need any particular skill set or equipment to watch the meteor shower. It’s easily visible to the naked eye.

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