A Hilarious Harry Potter Parody Is Coming To Dubai In October!

Currently calling all Potterheads! Don’t let the muggles get you down. As all we die-hard fans know, the Harry Potter magic never ends, and Harry Potter fans in Dubai can relive the magic with this parody performance! For a muggle (non-magical people) who hasn’t hopped on the Hogwarts Express yet, this is a great opportunity […]

Top 8 Things To Do This Weekend (26th – 28th August)

The weekend is finally here and there are a bucket load of things to choose from. Talk about a fun-packed weekend! So here are the top 8 best picks for you: 1. Atlantis After Dark Get ready to get back your groove as the world’s largest waterpark is all set to have us party our […]

5 Too Real Tweets On The Struggles Of Applying For A Job

The pandemic has been a very hard time when it comes to finding work. Many people lost their jobs or were facing a pay cut. So it is but natural that all of us have applied for jobs everywhere. Even if it means going through weird interviews and filling out a billion forms, we all […]

5 Funny Tweets On The Struggle Of Cracking Eggs

Let’s be real, we all love eggs. Be it for breakfast or the main course, eggs sure do know a way to be a part of our meal. But don’t you think cracking eggs is a bit too hard at times? The worst is when a little piece of shell falls in your egg and […]

5 Funny Tweets On Weird Things Kids Collect

Childhood is truly a time of wonder. Children are drawn to weird and funny things all the time. As a child, you have weird obsessions and an urge to collect all kinds of things, basically, you are fascinated by many things. So here are some funny and relatable tweets on weird things kids collect: My […]

5 Relatable Tweets On The Struggles Of Packing & Moving

If you have ever moved to a new home you know the struggle of taking all your belongings, packing them and then unpacking them at your new place. It truly is something. People at times take months to fully unpack and settle into their new home. So here are some funny and relatable tweets on […]

5 Hilarious And Relatable Tweets On Avocados

Be it guacamole or hummus, we all love avocados! They are a bit expensive that’s true, but they taste so good if made properly. Though it is technically a fruit, it is often mistaken as a vegetable. Avocados are quite healthy and the recipes you can make with are just numerous. So here are some […]

5 Tweets That Summarise What It Is Like Being Tired All Time

People complain all the time about being tired. People who sleep within that 10 to 11 pm slot are genuinely gods. You need to have very strong willpower to sleep early. The night is the time for watching senseless YouTube videos or scrolling through social media like there is no tomorrow. So for all those […]

5 Funny & Relatable Tweets From To-Be Dads

Pregnancy is a miracle. While a woman experiences pregnancy differently, men have a whole different understanding of it. When we are about to become dads feel like they have so much going on around them. Hence it is natural for a man to be confused and puzzled when their wife is pregnant. So here are […]

5 Tweets That Summarise What It Is Like Parenting Siblings

It is said that your sibling is your best friend. Siblings are the ones with which you can share anything, even talk about your parents because they will understand you to the fullest! Sibling relationships might be the best but only the parents know how they have brought up multiple children, so here are 5 […]