Saturn Will Be At Its Brightest & Largest In The Sky On August 14

If you’re interested in planets and astronomy, then this one is for you!

We are going to witness a huge plant in the sky! Saturn will be at its best, brightest and largest this year on August 14. This is going to be possible as the earth aligns itself between Saturn and the sun.

You can enjoy your weekend stargazing at Mleiha and even catch Saturn at its brightest! Mleiha in Sharjah offers a dazzling stargazing and bonfire experience.

So to witness this beautiful movement, book a spot with Discover Mleiha and get the chance to watch Saturn at its best!

Your stargazing experience can be combined with a BBQ dinner at discover Mleiha’s sunset lounge as well. It will take place on August 14 from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm.


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