Here’s How To Easily Claim VAT Refund For Tourists Visiting The UAE

The Federal Tax Authority (FTA) in the UAE has introduced a game-changing solution for tourists visiting UAE. Now, tourists no longer need to carry around stacks of printed purchase receipts to claim VAT refunds. Instead, the FTA has rolled out a user-friendly app called “Tourist Refund” to simplify the process. Here are all the details you need to know about it.

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The Hassle-Free Digital Solution: How Does It Work?

Well, when tourists shop in UAE stores, the merchant can quickly scan the invoice, and all the transaction details will be seamlessly recorded in the Tourist Refund app. This app provides tourists with a comprehensive overview of their purchases, including the VAT amount they can claim when leaving the country. No more need to worry about preserving piles of paper receipts.

A New App Has Been Launched For Tourists In The UAE To Easily Claim Their VAT Refund

Simplified Refund Process

When it’s time to leave the UAE, tourists can head to designated locations at the airport. There, they can effortlessly present the invoices stored in the Tourist Refund app to claim their VAT refund. The refund can be received either in cash or transferred to a credit card, making the process exceptionally convenient and efficient. Say goodbye to those long, tedious queues; this new system is entirely automated, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience.

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Availability & Future Plans

The Tourist Refund app is currently available on the Android platform and is set to launch for Apple devices by the end of the year. This broad compatibility ensures that a vast majority of tourists can take advantage of this efficient refund system.

Understanding VAT Refunds In The UAE

In 2018, the UAE implemented a 5% value-added tax (VAT) on consumer goods. Fortunately for tourists, they have the opportunity to claim a refund when exiting the country, whether through ports, land borders, or airports. This system simplifies the taxation process for tourists and ensures they can enjoy their shopping without any undue financial burden.

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The All New Al ALSAADA Card Is Here To Save Tourists Some Big Bucks

So, it has never been easier to be a tourist in Dubai and the rest of UAE. With the AL SAADA ‘Happiness’ tourist card combined with the easy process of VAT refunds you can shop your heart put while on holiday in UAE and know you got the best value out of your money. Don’t know what the AL SAADA Tourist card is? Find out below.

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