What once was something we all looked forward to, has now become a chore: cooking. In March and April 2020 we all enjoyed baking and cooking different things. People all around the world tried baking cakes, cup cakes and so much more. Many even tried cooking different kinds of cuisines. But now cooking simple white rice have also become a chore. So here are so of the best and funniest on facing a cooking a burnout, you will relate to thee for sure!
I’m sick of cooking 🙄 I just told my 5 yr old to cook for himself .
— Ava 🫦 (@SunflowerTlk) December 4, 2020
I'm sick of cooking…tonight's dinner is a raw potato
— Tam Yajia (@DancesWithTamis) April 10, 2020
Man I’m tired of cooking.
I’m bout to just drink this bottle of salad dressing and get in bed ☹️
— brandon / jinx / big jinx (@brandonjinx) May 12, 2020
I’m so sick of cooking and I’m so sick of takeout and I’m sick of eating and I wish that humans didn’t require so much goddamn food
— Katherine D. Morgan (she/her) 🍉 (@blktinabelcher) July 14, 2020
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