Millions of people around the world have already received the COVID-19 vaccine. Countries like the UK, USA, UAE and now even India have started with the vaccination process. The two most received vaccine right now is the Moderna vaccine and the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine. So here are some myths on the new COVID-19 vaccine that you need to stop believing right now.
COVID-19 Vaccine Can Give You The Virus:
None of the two vaccines are said to have the live virus in them. So it is impossible for you to get sick after getting the vaccine. “You’re going to have a nice brisk immune response,” said Linda Yancey, an infectious disease expert at Memorial Hermann Health System in Texas. “So yes, your arm is going to hurt. Yes, you’re probably going to run some fevers and feel achy for a few days. That is a good thing. That means you’re getting a good immune uptake and you’re going to get that high level of protection.”
The Vaccine Can Alter Your DNA:
“One thing I hear that people are concerned about is that it’s going to impact their DNA, and I can see why people would make a connection like that,” said Nicole Iovine, chief epidemiology officer at University of Florida Health Shands Hospital. “But there are a number of reasons why that can’t happen.” “This messenger RNA just goes into the outer part of our cell, called the cytoplasm. And it doesn’t enter into the nucleus, so it doesn’t have access to our DNA. Also, messenger RNA doesn’t even stick around in our cells for very long.”
You Don’t Need To Get The Vaccine If You’ve Already Battled COVID-19:
“When you get the vaccine, because you’re just making the immune response to the part of the spike protein — which is the target for preventing infection — your immune response is entirely focused on responding to just that key part of the virus. So you get this really, really strong, really focused response against the right part,” Iovine said. “That’s why people who have had COVID infection should still benefit from the vaccine.”