How To Deal With Holiday Fatigue?

Holidays are one time of the year where we miss our families and gatherings the most. It is natural for you to want to attend a Christmas party or a New Year’s Eve party. But at this exact moment all of us have to be a little careful and alert. Although many foreign companies are conducting vaccine trials, but it is said that the whole world will get back to normal in 2022. Covid fatigue is the most during holidays, so here’s how to deal with it.

It is very natural to think things like, “Why not enjoy my life now? I can’t just hang in there, so I’m just going to live for today,” psychology professor Dr. Rheeda Walker pointed out, in a recent Yahoo interview. “Everyone is really trying to find a way to manage, and the holidays seem to provide an easy opportunity to kind of get back to some sense of normalcy and to have some relief.”

At the time of confusion, sit and have a conversation with the people you live with. Agreed, Christmas and New Year’s Eve are all about parties and meeting new people, but this time everything is different. You have to take at most care of yourself and of the people around you. Hence if you have a Christmas ritual of attending a friend’s party every year this is how you can politely tell them no:

“I appreciate that you think so much of me that you want me to be included in this family event, but for this season, I hope you understand that I really need to do what I need to do to stay safe and healthy for me and for the people in my home,” Dr. Rheeda Walker says as an example of a polite way to turn down an invite.


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