Being the youngest in the family comes with its pros and cons. While you are used to getting pampered by your parents, somewhere your elder siblings bully you sometimes as well. It is often said that the youngest one in the family is the moodiest one. So here are some of the funniest and relatable tweets about being the youngest child:
Being the youngest child is fun and all until you try to grow up and your mom won't let you
— ✰ 𝐥 𝐢 𝐧 𝐝 𝐬 ✰ (@LindseyDeep) October 7, 2016
I'm 20 years old, and I'm still sitting at the kids table. #youngestchildproblems
— Ben Burkholder (@benburk25) November 23, 2017
Everyone thinks your spoiled bc you're the youngest but its all just hand me downs and high expectations— danny carlito (@CarlynYoshimura) July 20, 2015