3 Major Changes That Take Place In Your Brain When You Have Depression

Mental health should be one’s utmost priority. In these desperate times, it is a must that you take care of your mental health. But sometimes circumstances get so out of hand that you just can’t, mental health issues start to get you, depression being a very common one. Depression starts with certain mood disorders first, continuous feeling of sadness, lethargy and no appetite are few symptoms of depression. Any mental health disorder causes a great deal of change in your body but it affects the brain as well. Here are three ways how depressing changes your brain:

Size Of The Brain: 

When you are in stress, hippocampus (a part of the brain) releases a hormone called as cortisol. Excessive stressful situations leads to the compilation of cortisol which hinders the growth of neurons. Hence this causes that particular area of the brain to shrink in size. This can cause disturbances in sleep patterns and mood.

Oxygen Level: 

Depression is linked to less oygen levels in the body, which inturn means less oxygen for the brain. This can cause death of brain cells and brain inflammation. If this condition persists for long term, it can have some serious side effects.

Changes In The Structure: 

Depression causes a change in the pre-frontal cortex which can reduce the ability of a person to do day to day tasks, execute basic activities.


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