Just Four Habits That Can Literally Change Your Life!

The first half of the year 2020 has been completely unimaginable and it seems like the start to a new normal. Whether we like it or not, life around us has changed and we have no option but to adapt to these constantly evolving times. Now more than ever, it is important to take care of our body and mind so that we have the strength and the will to face each day head-on and come through shining like the stars that we know we are!

Here is a list of four habits that can literally change your life for good:

1. Sleep, a lot!

If you are someone who gets called ‘lazy’ if you sleep a lot, here is a come-back for you. Matthew Walker’s best-selling book, Why We Sleep talks about the benefits of a regular and healthy amount of sleep and the dangers of sleep deprivation. The habit to be formed here is eight hours or more sleep each night, and a scheduled time to go to bed and rise in the morning. It’ll help you in more ways than you would have even imagined and is a sure path to a healthier and happier version of yourself!

Credits: Pixabay
Credits: Pixabay

2. Eat!

We are what we eat. This is true not just for our bodies, but also for our minds. Each day we have a choice in what we put into our body and in extension, our lives. Start with making one healthy eating choice a day. As you continue to make a healthier eating decisions, you will see how easily the energy shifts and you are transforming your entire life for good.

Credits: Pixabay
Credits: Pixabay

3. Run Away!

Select a form of exercise that you enjoy, be it Zumba or aerobics or hitting the gym or just simply running. Start with just 15 minutes a day and increase as you like. Do it with an empty mind and chase away all the negative thoughts that make you anxious or unhappy. Running away literally will boost your body’s immunity and running away from bad thoughts will boost your mind. Keep running away and it’ll surely lead you to a place that is so much better than where you started from.

Credits: Pixabay
Credits: Pixabay

4. Fall In Love!

No, not the romantic head over heal types love. Fall in love with the little things in your life, the delicious cup of tea or coffee in the morning, the way the trees look from your window, the privilege to be able to talk to anyone you love with just a click, the way your hair looks today, or any other small thing that you’ve stopped noticing in the wake of adulthood. Happiness is not a destination, it is a journey and it begins with a simple decision to be in a good mood at the moment you are in!

Credits: Pixabay
Credits: Pixabay

Start with just one habit and see how it transforms your life!


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